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Joys of Tashkent 2024
Joys of Tashkent 2024
December this year, Tashkent will host the 10th International Biennale of Children’s Pictures “Joys of Tashkent”.

International Children's Pictures Biennale held with aim to support of children's art, and promote mutual understanding and international communication of Uzbek children with their peers from around the world, discovering new talents, creating additional conditions for improving the skills of young art fans as well as for the development of the intellectual level of children of preschool and school age, increasing their interest in national and world history and culture, an expanding ideas about them.

The World of childhood», «My Motherland», «The World in which I live», «My dream», «Uzbekistan that I know»
There is no entry fee.
• Sizes: Must be 30x40 cm.
• Each entry should be certified by the parent/guardian/teacher as the original, unaided work done during 2024.
• Materials: Participants can use any materials. Computer printouts, linocuts, batiks will not be accepted.
• Entry should be an individual effort, unaided and NOT a combined work.
• One child can send one original picture that has not been shown to public.
• Drawings should not be mounted/famed.
• No entry will be returned. The copyright of all entries will rest with International Children’s Picture Biennale.
• All packages must be prepaid/adequately stamped and mailed directly to the Organizing Committee of Biennale.
Please cut the Application Form, completely fill and enclose it with the pictures.
Eligible Participant
5-15 years old.
Application Period
August 1st – November 20, 2024 (child work must reach the Organizing Committee in Uzbekistan by this date)
All entries will be judged by the Organizing Committee with the help of jury. The Judges’ decision will be final.
The prizes are:
Golden Award to 7 children
Silver Award to 7 children
Bronze Award to 7 children
Memorial Medals to 50 children
Results will be announced in December 2024. The winners will be informed individually by post.
Additional information
Please make certain of filling the application form completely in block letters. The lack of information may cause troubles such as misreading of a name and title or return of the prize for the award winner as undeliverable.
Entries sent by air cargo or/and by “cash on delivery” will NOT be accepted.

Download the Entry Sheet below, fill out the form in BLOCK LETTERS in English

Contact information
International Children’s Picture Biennale Office
37 “A”, Yusuf Hos Hojib str., Tashkent 100037, Republic of Uzbekistan
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